Project Description

Coastal Commission STRATEGY and POLICY SUPPORT

Ms. Winecki has served as a strategy and policy advisor to Caltrans Headquarters staff, providing as-needed guidance and support on California Coastal Act and Local Coastal Program policy and procedural matters. These services included assisting in the preparation of a comprehensive update of the Caltrans statewide Standard Environmental Reference for Coastal Zone permitting, an update of the Caltrans Annotated Outline for preparing environmental documentation to address coastal policy issues, development of an on-demand training module and two-day training course to assist Caltrans personnel with understanding and engaging in Coastal Zone policy and permitting programs, and advising Caltrans personnel on active coastal development permit efforts statewide.

Project Details Caltrans Strategy and Policy Support
Client: California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Division of Environmental Analysis
Location: Statewide